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Sex (re)Education

Mother is God.
She is the Creator and Giver of Life.
She is Loved by her adoring partner – your Father.
This goes back to their Mothers and Fathers; and theirs.
And so back.
Your Lineage.

I am listening to a deeper way.
Suddenly, all my Ancestors are behind me.
Be still, they say.
Watch and Listen.
You are the result of the Love of thousands.” – Linda Hogan

– we hope.
If not, it’s because a Man has raped a Woman or a Girl.
If not, it is his fault.
This is just a fact; accept it.
It is Man who has polluted Life’s Lineage, and Raped God.

Because of this, some Mothers may be Injured by Lineage; the Vibrations of Trauma in her ovaries that were formed in her own Mother.
Like Matryoshka Dolls.

If she was forced to be a Mother and didn’t want to be, or wasn’t ready, nor supported, she may have unconsciously injured you.

It is up to you, to end this now.

To Heal this Ancestral Karma.
Call on your Loving-Lineage immediately; ask for their Strengths, ask for their Healing, ask for their Love and Support.
Stand Strong, and Proud, and Loved – somewhere along the way, Mother-God wanted offspring in the form of you. ❤️
She Loved a Man enough to Create Life, have Babies, make a Family, build a Home.
Somewhere along the way, they were a Team.
She could chop wood, too, but he did it when she didn’t want to.
They were a Team.
That Team lives in your Heart.
Light a candle for them, each night from now on.

– it’s ok if you miss a day.

All of Life should revolve around the safety and happiness of Women, for they may become Mothers – but they don’t have to.
Men should respect Women; the God of this world.
Respect her Light.
Respect her Darkness.

There are only two sexes.
Anyone who told you other than this is lying to you, and fragmenting your soul.
They are tearing apart the Team in your Heart; The Mother-God and her Lover who Love you Forever; they swore.❤️

Less than 2% of humans are born with deformed genitals, politely called: VSD.
They are still identifiable as male or female through Karyotype Testing.
The percentage is so tiny, that their personal physical conditions matter only to them, their doctors, and their partners.
Parents: don’t mutilate your children if they have VSD – they might grow out of it during puberty, like the Guervedoces do.

Most Humans are Heterosexual.
On average, 10% of humans are homosexual.
The numbers of same-sex activity are higher – meaning plenty of people dabble. It’s no big deal, it’s how we get closer to knowing ourselves.
It’s quite complicated, but if you like stats, that’s about it.

There are only two-sexes, and here are 40+ peer-reviewed papers to prove it to you.
Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to you and trying to shatter your Soul.
Remember your Loving-Lineage, and honour them.❤️
If you are already fragmented and manifesting or projecting your unwellness, get help; before it’s too late.
Look into Soul Retrieval.

In honour of 8 Billion Humans on Earth.
Welcome to the Party.